“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift
and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honours
the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
Albert Einstein

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Why Work with Crystals?

Put very basically, I believe that crystals, and other rocks or stones, all have their own energy and vibration. I use certain crystals in my everyday life to manifest what l want (in particular through grids), to balance my own or my home’s energy, for protection, for healing, (as in chakra balance work), for meditation, and finally for divination.

It is a lesser known fact that crystals and rocks can also be used for divination purposes. One of the oldest divination methods, the pendulum, can incorporate a crystal point instead of the traditional copper or metal point. A pendulum is simply a point of sorts attached to a chain or cord. Whe a question is asked the pendulum should swing one way for ‘yes’ and the other for ‘no’. Some alphabetic grids are now available whereby the pendulum can swing towards letters to spell out complete words.

I created my own grid for crystal divination. The grid is divided into the 12 astrological houses, and the person having the reading is told to sit quietly with a vast array of crystals and stones. They are eventually to choose the ones they feel drawn to, and to place them where their intuition guides them to on the grid. There should be no limit to how many are chosen, but usually a minimum of 10.

A funny example of how accurate this system can be: my dad does not have a ‘spiritual’ bone in his body – he is the ultimate sceptic. Without hesitation he chose a quartz geode, symbol of psychic awareness, and put it open-face-down in his 9th house which refers to philosophy and religion. The position of the geode was one where it’s open face was totally stifled, or closed off.

Each house has a meaning, as does each stone – their meanings can vary depending how many other stones are put in the same house, or in interrelated houses. It can be as simple or complex as a tarot reading. I created this crystal divination method to compliment tarot interpretation. As with the tarot, there are generic qualities and energies attributed to certain stones, whilst also there is a personal interpretation of any one crystal’s energy which is also a valid interpretation or experience.

Today, there is so much online information about all of the aspects of crystal work mentioned above, and also about crystal meanings and vibrations themselves. If you wanted to try enhancing, for example, the attraction of financial luck and abundance in your life, you can ask the internet which crystals would best be suited for this, or for love, or protection, and the list goes on.