“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift
and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honours
the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
Albert Einstein

Welcome to goldenfishtarot.com

How can Tarot help us?

I believe that the Tarot spread is like a photograph of your life at the point in time at which the cards are laid. Tarot reveals a situation in greater clarity, including where you are in that situation and the people around you. It can guide you with decisions or show you other options, as well as red-flag situations or people, and can make you aware of significant opportunities, resources, and auspicious karmic moments.
Finally, Tarot can provide an astoundingly accurate and self-exploratory way of interpreting and understanding your inner as well as outer journey in life. At different stages along the way we all encounter change, choice, challenges, sadness, happiness, and life-changing events, be they favourable or difficult.

Tarot can show us our situation in more clarity. It can refer to our physical, emotional, or mental selves, and it can reveal options or influences which we may not have previously been aware of. It can alert us to dangers, just as it can make us aware of rare opportunities. The cards themselves reflect the core principles of human life and interaction, such as birth, death, work, relationships, health, wealth, ethical dilemmas, and many other elements. Intuition is the key to a higher level of tarot interpretation, and l do not refer only to my intuition. The card meanings are so multi-layered, and influenced by other cards in the layout, that what becomes equally important is what the symbology means to you.

The cards themselves reflect the core principles of human life and interaction, such as birth, death, work, relationships, health, wealth, ethical dilemmas, and many other elements.

Intuition is the key to a higher level of tarot interpretation, and l do not refer only to my intuition. The card meanings are so multi-layered, and influenced by other cards in the layout, that what becomes equally important is what the symbology means to you.

The cards will fall in a particular way because the imagery will mean something generically, then it will have a meaning as interpreted by me, and finally, as l reveal to you a card’s symbology, it could have an additional interpreted by you. This is totally ok, it could even be considered intentional if we accept that we are receiving some kind of higher guidance. Each reading is influenced by the training and intuition of the reader as well as by the personal story and perspective of the individual receiving the reading.

Tarot readings really help people.

There is a typical example: one lady felt that her husband was having an affair, because over some weeks he had grown increasingly withdrawn from her and appeared to avoid any unnecessary communication and eye contact with her. It became evident in the reading that their love was solid and strong, but his work/career showed disastrous images, which we discussed. As a result of the reading the lady broached the topic of work with her husband and he revealed to her that he had been retrenched, and he was not going to receive his entitlements as the company were being liquidated. His pride had prevented him from telling her due to their own sizeable debts. As a result of the reading and their open communication they were able to become close again and develop some strategies how to improve their financial situation.

Predictions and free will.

Please note that in a reading l will only ever refer to an event or experience is ‘likely / unlikely’, or ‘highly likely / highly unlikely’. This is because we all have free will, including the people we interact with. Outcomes are very much determined by choices and actions along the way, both ours and people in our lives. If the Tarot alerts us to the possibility of an undesirable situation or outcome, we may, with change, be able to alter the course of this. In the same way, if we receive the message that a very rewarding experience is highly likely, we still need to work towards this in a positive way. If we believe that we can stop taking positive actions to attract positive life experiences, because the cards said it will happen anyway, then chances are that we will alter the course of things and the experience may not be so positive, or may not eventuate at all. At the end of the day, the Tarot is a tool for empowerment, guidance and clarity, but the choice is still ours and we have full accountability for our choices.

My aim for your Tarot experience is to empower you with options which are within your grasp or capabilities, to provide you with enhanced clarity, and for you to be able to develop your own intuitive guidance.