“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift
and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honours
the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
Albert Einstein

Welcome to goldenfishtarot.com


Why are they needed?

This service may be of great assistance to you and your family, or your co-workers and employees, if you are experiencing the following:
• Greater than usual family or work tensions and arguments
• Increased feeling of stress and tension for no known reason
• Sleeplessness, mental and or physical lethargy for no reason
• Ineffective work outcomes, unproductive worker
• Runs of bad luck or misfortune
• Regarding work, repeated loss instead of profit
• Feeling that something isn’t quite right about the energy of the space you live or work in, not feeling relaxed or at ease
• Work space attracting too much negativity

It may be that the space you live or work in has need of energy clearing, and inviting good energy to take it’s place. Movement of energy is no new concept, feng shui is an ancient belief in balance of energies, and manipulating and enhancing ones’ surroundings to attract positive energy. Reiki is movement of energy around the body – to move out the negative energy and replenish with positive. In the same way that we can use energy healing on the body, we can also use it in the environments in which we live and work, to optimise health, abundance, and loving relationships, and also productivity.

Many different things can impact upon the energy of a building and leave it’s imprint in the energy. Previous owners who may have been highly stressed, aggressive, or worse. An office space sees the intermingling of many different people’s energies over time, and not all of these energies are positive or happy. Actually, in an office situation, it is advantageous to clear the space on a regular basis for optimum productivity and content and loyal employees.

How is it done?

As l have mentioned, l use grid energy for many ways of manifesting outcomes, by harnessing crystal energy and intention. When talking about distant house or office energy clearing, the same principles are applied, but for maximum benefit l require a photo of the house or office, and suburb and town, so that l can connect closely to the building.

A grid will be activated with the clearing intention and the details of the space to be cleared. The intention will also be to replace this negative energy with golden healing and love energy. This will restore harmony, happy and stable relationships, and productivity. I will include below, several ways a person can perform some easy rituals to assist with the facilitation of energy clearing and purification. These can be done regularly for optimum effect.

Ways to help keep your space free of negative energy:
• Every Friday move from room to room, windows open where possible, even a little, and spray salted water (as a fine mist) in all corners of each room. Move around the house in a circular direction. As you go, repeat any affirmation you wish to attract positive energy, such as “welcome love and light”, or “protect this home and fill with love” or “protect this space from negativity, replace with harmony and productivity”. Whatever you would like to attract.
• Ringing a handbell or other small bell in all rooms attracts positive energy, as does a singing bowl.
• Burning white sage (can be purchased as incense), and move through the space in the same way as the salted mist, with windows open where possible.

All of these methods help to promote happy, productive and positive energy, but if the negative energy is strong, you would benefit from the addition of one of my space clearing grids. To have your house or office cleared, I will need a floor plan and/or photos. You can also tell me about the negative impact you have experienced in the house or office. The easiest way to make an enquiry relating to house clearing is to complete the House Clearing Form. After completing the House Clearing Form, please do not forget to tick 'I'm not a robot' box before pressing 'send'! Thank you very much for making an enquiry. You can also send your enquires about all services I provide to my email anna@goldenfishtarot.com or text them to my mobile phone 0422 480 583.

To pay, please visit Crystals - my offer page. You can pay via PayPal or Square payment systems. You need to select house clearing. You can use any Visa and Mastercard bank card. However, if payment via PayPal or Square is not suitable for you for some reason, please email me and we will find an alternative method of payment.